Welcome to The Burden Trust website
Reverend Harold Nelson Burden (1859-1930) established a trust by his will so that those in need could be supported in ways that were similar to the causes that he had championed during his lifetime. The Trust is non-fundraising and distributes funds generated by its investment income.
The objects of the trust allow the trustees to consider grants in the following areas of need:
- Medical Research
- Hospitals
- Retirement homes
- Schools and training institutions
- Homes and care for the young
- Other charitable work which helps people in need
During his lifetime Reverend Burden made a difference to many peoples’ lives in and around the Bristol area and the trustees favour acting in a similar way, being particularly interested in grant applications from local charitable organisations whose work and objectives fall within the overall objects of the Trust and are broadly in line with the tenets and principles of the Church of England.
Grants have been made in the past for many causes and may be for sums less than £5000 or for larger amounts dependent upon the nature of the charitable activity and the need. Examples include: inHope, Wheels Project, Bristol Hospitality Network and Changing Tunes. The trustees prefer to build a relationship with the organisation concerned and always look to see how best any project that is funded can be effectively sustained for the future.
Applications from outside the Bristol area and those which do not adhere to the specific requests on the on-line application form are far less likely to be considered. Unsuccessful applicants will not be contacted.
Should you wish to make an application please use the on-line application form available on this web site.